Say Goodbye to Globalization as the World has been disordered in 2020
The last four-decade era of globalization may be coming to an end and the world would be
heading into an "Age of Disorder", which might will reshape both economies and politics, according to economic research analysts.
One of the key characteristics of the new era will be the reversal of unfettered globalization, as a team of analysts predicted. While they believe "the best combined asset price growth of any era in history, with equity and bond returns very strong across the board" since 1980, the "Age of Disorder" is likely to break this trend.
The deteriorating of U.S.-China relations is another theme (out of eight) that will define the next distinct era of modern times, "which is hastened, but not caused by, the pandemic." The analysts note that the Chinese economy will be closing the gap with the U.S. and could finally outperform it by the end of the decade.
"A clash of cultures and interests therefore beckons, especially as China grows closer to being the largest economy in the world," the report says.
One of the key characteristics of the new era will be the reversal of unfettered globalization, as a team of analysts predicted. While they believe "the best combined asset price growth of any era in history, with equity and bond returns very strong across the board" since 1980, the "Age of Disorder" is likely to break this trend.
The deteriorating of U.S.-China relations is another theme (out of eight) that will define the next distinct era of modern times, "which is hastened, but not caused by, the pandemic." The analysts note that the Chinese economy will be closing the gap with the U.S. and could finally outperform it by the end of the decade.
"A clash of cultures and interests therefore beckons, especially as China grows closer to being the largest economy in the world," the report says.
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