Which countries have the best education system in the world in 2020 ?
order to determine the rankings; researchers have analyzed and compared
195 countries across two key categories of
quality (like public education system, willingness to attend university,
number of research institutions,
university funding and endowment, specialization expertise, industrial
linkage, academic educational professionals effectiveness, institutional
output by research, higher education
institutions perform in the various global rankings) and opportunity
(like adult literacy rates, graduation rates, primary school completion
rate, secondary school completion rate, high school completion rate,
collegiate-level school completion rate, government expenditure on
education in total % of GDP).
To evaluate those dimensions, researchers looked at 16 indicators that
fell into one of the three categories. Each attribute was graded on a
100-point scale.
Nelson Mandela said: "Edcuation is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
Please read more at: Best Countries for Education in 2020

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