Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Eurozone inflation leads to 30% drop in Euro value
Impact of inflation on Euro's purchasing value in 2021
The buying power of one Euro (1€) has depreciated by a whopping 30% between 2000 and 2020 from 1€ to 0.7€, according to data researched by Trading Platforms UK. This means that the same one Euro can't pay for a similar amount of goods or services like in 2000.

The Eurozone has faced a host of economic challenges over the past two decades, and the region's main currency, the Euro, is bearing the impact on its value.

The depreciating Euro is a combination of several factors, but inflation has been the primary catalyst. The European Union (E.U.) block has seen rising inflation leading to an increase in prices of goods and services over time. 

Digital assets like cryptocurrencies that have shown resilience during the last economic crisis are now viewed as a possible safe haven. Even the ECB (European Central Bank) is considering adopting a digital Euro. This is the time to move into cryptocurrencies.
This is the time to move into Cryptocurrencies !!!
The Future will be Cryptocurrency !!!
➡️  Read the Full Report at: Eurozone inflation leads to 30% drop in Euro value
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Sunday, July 18, 2021

The Banks might collapse very soon – forthcoming chaos:
No Banks, No Public Facilities, No Food, and Rampaging Gangs of Desperate People
Will a terrible economic collapse in the western world (which it almost certainly will) result in a complete and thorough collapse of society? Will we see historic levels of crime, bloodshed, rioting, and social instability in the EU and America? Before you dismiss such ideas as the work of a few irrational bloggers with too much free time on their hands, consider what one of the world’s largest credit rating firms has to say. According to a Moody’s analysis on sovereign debt, the world’s five largest AAA-rated countries (including the EU and America) are all at risk of rising debt costs and will be forced to enact austerity policies that would result in higher debt costs.

This is a difficult subject because individuals either refuse to believe it or are unable of comprehending what is being said due to a lack of understanding. When you realize that western governments can only exist on debt/credit, not physical currencies, you realize that the EU and America are nothing more than a massive Ponzi scheme predicated solely on our ability to borrow money. The global economy is on the verge of collapsing. This is how all great empires founded on fiat currencies end.
Crypto-currency will be your financial rescue !!! 
The Future will be Cryptocurrency !!!
➡️  Please check report at: The Banks might collapse very soon
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Sunday, July 4, 2021


 Crypto-Friendly America to Base Your Business 

Take Time Choosing Where to Base Your Business in 2021
As cryptocurrencies become more popular around the world, a growing number of people are using and investing in popular currencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. Some countries are now starting to put more infrastructure in place to join the crypto revolution, piquing the interest of their residents.

Choosing the best country to set up a business is vital in this digital age, and especially so for crypto companies. As governments around the world continue to learn more about cryptocurrencies and elect to either crack down on them or allow them to flourish, some jurisdictions emerge as being better than others for launching a crypto startup.
But, which countries present the most opportunity for people to start trading and investing, and show the most interest in crypto?
➡️  Read the Full Report at: Crypto-Friendly America to Base Your Business 2021
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